Avio Aerospace

Automating Licensing Optimization Helps Avio Achieve a 40% Reduction in Yearly IT Costs

"Open iT Solutions Address the Different Sides of IT Infrastructure Optimization."


  • As the company grew, Avio realized that their existing solution for tracking software usage was insufficient.
  • With Open iT’s LicenseAnalyzer Level 1 and ComputeAnalyzer, Avio was able to detect both active and inactive application usage by metering the company’s software and hardware usage.
  • The company used Open iT software on multiple license servers and was able to achieve a 40% reduction in yearly IT costs.

Business Overview

Avio, a global leader in the aerospace industry with 5000 employees, develops and delivers subsystems and components to major international aeronautical, military, civil and space programs. See how their trial of Open iT software yielded a high return on investment, with a 47% cost reduction on the annual IT costs for one of their most expensive engineering applications.

Business Challenge

As the company grew, the existing commercial solution for measuring software usage was insufficient for cost and feature constraints—they needed flexible software management tools with powerful analysis capabilities. Avio required factual data about license use, and had begun to look for a solution that would support multiple license managers such as FlexNet and LUM.

Having evaluated various asset management tracking solutions, Avio enrolled Polimatica, an IT consultancy firm, to team up with Open iT to acquire its platform. LicenseAnalyzer Level 1, Level 3 and ComputeAnalyzer modules were installed on a number of selected computer and workstations. These modules then used a single, centralized database on one dedicated server to store the data being logged from the software license managers.


Cost Allocation and IT Chargeback

The most efficient way to create more accountability and awareness of how IT resources are used is to implement a chargeback system.

Software Usage Monitoring and Optimization

Learn how usage monitoring in an E&P IT environment can be beneficial for many stakeholders.

Rising Use of Subscription and Pay-per-Use Software Licensing Models

Have a meaningful software usage metrics and tools to evaluate and plan appropriately prior to making new licensing decisions.

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