Open iT Certifications

Earn certifications to demonstrate proficiency with Open iT Systems and advance in your career.

Certified Systems Engineer and Certified Advanced Reporter

Each certification could be achieved by passing two timed tests:
  • Theoretical Test (1 hour)
    • Closed Book
      • Taken by an examinee without notes, documentation, or access to any Open iT system.
      • If the closed book portion is submitted early, the examinee will have more time to access notes, documentation, or the Open iT system while working on the open book portion.
    • Open Book
      • An examinee can access all the notes, documentation, and Open iT system components.
  • Practical Test (3 hours) Work through Open iT systems to solve real-world problems and provide a clearly written documentation. The documentation may include descriptions and screenshots.
  • The exam must be completed within 4 hours.

A passing score is 70 and above on both theoretical and practical tests. Examinees will only be allowed to retake the exam after a waiting period of 6 months.

A Certified Systems Engineer is the administrator of the Open iT software system and is responsible for data integrity.

The basis of this certification is the ability to install, configure, and troubleshoot Open iT solutions, which requires in-depth knowledge and administration skills in LicenseAnalyzer (Levels 1-3), StorageAnalyzer, ComputeAnalyzer, and CLIMS.

A Certified Advanced Reporter delivers value from the Open iT database to your organization.

The basis of this certification is the ability to collect and analyze data from the Open iT Core Server and Analysis Server, providing the in-depth picture of an organization’s usage, which requires comprehensive familiarity of Open iT’s standard reports, templates, and underlying data models.

A Certified Engineer is officially awarded after passing both Certified Systems Engineer (CSE) and Certified Advanced Reporter (CAR) exams.

Each of the certifications are valid for a period of 3 years.

Schedule of Examination

Friday, August 18, 2023 | Tests will be administered at the Open iT offices. Registration deadline is July 28, 2023.

Houston, TX
Oslo, Norway
Lucena City, Philippines
Certified Advanced Reporter 8:00 – 12:00 CST 8:00 – 12:00 CET 13:00 – 17:00 PHT
Certified Systems Engineer 13:00 – 17:00 CST 13:00 – 17:00 CET 18:00 – 22:00 PHT


$600 USD | each certification

Discounted Prices

  • $1000 USD | both certifications
  • $300 USD | if taken together in conjunction with completion of the Open iT classes in the last 12 months ($600 total)

*The registration fee includes a study guide.

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