At the heart of Tokyo, a rendezvous of Japan’s architectural, engineering, and construction magnates and movers awaits at the Archi Future 2023. Reserve October 26, 2023, from 10 AM to 6:45 PM in your calendars and be part of this extraordinary gathering at the iconic Tokyo Fashion Town (TFT) Hall.   

Immerse yourself in this exciting one-day extravaganza, which promises a deep dive into contemporary trends, revolutionary technologies, and benchmark-setting practices across engineering, construction, and industrial design sectors. Explore how these innovations stand to reshape our world, particularly in light of growing global populations.  

Open iT, a champion of the same forward-thinking approach, will be at the event. Recognized as a crucial partner to many of the globe’s leading engineering, architecture, and construction firms, Open iT’s sophisticated software license management tool delivers superior IT clarity that allows for optimal license inventory management, significant cost savings, and a razor-sharp focus on core business goals.  

Customer Success Story

Chiyoda Philippines, part of Chiyoda Corporation, grappled with maximizing IT budgets due to challenges in tracking license usage across departments. With Open iT's LicenseAnalyzer, they gained clear insights into their license inventory, pinpointing and optimizing unused licenses. This led to substantial software savings and guaranteed consistent license access for employees.
“Open iT usage reporting has enabled us to make detailed business decisions, optimize applications with minimal effort and significantly reduce annual software expenditures.”
Director/Senior Vice President
Chiyoda Philippines Corp.

Collaborating with global industry leaders, we’ve refined their license strategies, minimized expenses, and enhanced operational efficiency, catapulting them towards their objectives.  


See you at Achi Future 2023! 

Visit our Booth

Meet the Open iT Japan GK Team, and we will show you how our solutions can help you meter, analyze, and optimize your CAD/CAE/CAM and other engineering software license usage and maximize your IT assets.

Please send an e-mail to or contact us at 080-9271-1046 if you have any questions.

Archi Future 2023

This special event introduces companies to the latest trends and ICT solutions in the building and construction industries. 

Visit for more information. 

TFT Hall, Tokyo, Japan

Tokyo Fashion Town Building, 3-4-10 Ariake, Koto-ku, Tokyo, Japan.

Meet us there!

President, Open iT Japan GK
Customer Support Specialist

Let's talk

We’ll show you how your business can benefit from Open iT solutions.
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