Join the Open iT IAITAM Webinar on Software Usage Optimization

Posted on September 10, 2015 3:05PM


As an IT asset manager, understanding IT usage is essential in delivering value to the company. To demonstrate how IT creates value for the business, managers require greater communication with the C-suite. Since the value of information technology cannot be easily measured without an overview of the costs and the gains made by IT, metering and analyzing usage data is critical.

Open iT Regional Account Manager Jim Muckle will be discussing. “Transforming Business thru Software Usage Optimization” in an IAITAM Open Webinar. This webinar will focus on how software usage metering can help businesses to create efficiencies, uncover true savings and identify best practices in managing IT assets.

Visit the ITAM website today. Register for this exclusive webinar and find out how software metering can help you:

  • Forecast usage trends for more accurate budget planning
  • Automatically harvest inactive licenses
  • Review user patterns to identify training needs and user champions
  • Facilitate chargeback and pay-per-use agreements

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