Posted on August 11, 2015 4:05PM
Gartner recognizes the importance of IT financial management in the ITAM discipline, and has transformed the IT & Software Asset Management Summit into the IT Financial & Procurement Asset Management Summit. The focus of this event goes beyond the historical ITAM content that participants have come to expect and includes critical subject areas that are increasingly strategic to this discipline: procurement, IT financial management, ROI, and TCO, among others.
As an industry leader in providing software metering solutions for companies that are looking beyond software compliance, Open iT is pleased to sponsor the Gartner Summit to be held in London, UK, Sept. 21-22.
Software metering has several major functions. Its most critical role is to keep track of how software is used throughout a business organization. Which group, process or location is using what software? How much of the time? Combining such information with business outputs, such as which groups or locations generate the most value, enables companies to equip their IT users with the best tools to optimize their workflow.
Visit our exhibit in this Gartner event. See what Open iT can do to get the most out of your company’s software investments. Let us show you how we can support your IT asset management initiatives!