SVP Signe Marie Stenseth recent speaking engagement at IAITAM 2013 Spring ACE identifies the benefits of software usage metering based on first-hand experience from Global Fortune 1000 companies. She promoted the implementation of processes and systems for cost optimization and asset efficiency. Her speech was written as article distributed worldwide through IAITAM’s paper “ITAK” which is published monthly.
The author showcases seven categories of benefits flowing from software usage metering. She explains how usage metering can be used to help organizations make better decisions in optimizing IT asset usage and minimizing IT costs. She provides tips for implementing an effective IT cost reduction:
- Cut back on underutilized software where cuts do not hurt users.
- Set up an automatic alert mechanism.
- Enter into more flexible agreements with core vendors.
- Share technology best practices on a global level.
- Promote corporate communication – profiling application usage can promote communication across location and teams.
- Prepare for licensing audit and budgeting.
- Enable organizations to do more usage-based internal chargeback.
Read more about the benefits of metering in Information Technology Asset Knowledge, Volume 8 Issue 4, published by International Association of Information Technology Asset Managers, Suffield, Ohio, 44260, USA.