February 26, 2025 (Wed) - 9AM UTC-6

Sizzling SEG Conference Showcased IT Innovations

We just returned from SEG (Society of Exploration Geoscientists International Exposition and 82nd Annual Meeting…) in Las Vegas. This is a very international event with thousands of participants from all over the globe, and an excellent opportunity for us to meet our partners and customers from different regions. The conference was sizzling due to the exciting time in the industry, with extra anticipation since it was election week in the US.

Software and service companies were excited to showcase all of their innovations and improved offerings, including us in Open iT. We observed an increased interest from both software vendors and end-users wanting to discuss flexible agreements based on usage, rather than strict agreements with perpetual license pricing. Users of technology want easily accessible new technology – without making major investments upfront. With an access agreement based on usage, they can get instant access, while only paying for what they use.

This simplifies the buying process, enabling companies to easily try out new versions and tools without making a licensing commitment upfront. Moreover, with a 3rd party tool like Open iT, invoices can be automatically generated based on the usage data itself, integrating with the agreed-upon pricing information of the various technology bundles in use. Good-bye manual overhead.

Of special note, one of our long term partners – Landmark, Halliburton – celebrated their 30th anniversary at the Exposition. Open iT joins the voices of many others in wishing them a happy 30th! Next year’s SEG will be held in Houston, Texas, the Oil and Gas capital of the U.S. We look forward to welcoming you to Houston in September 2013.

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