February 26, 2025 (Wed) - 9AM UTC-6

Women Leaders in Energy


As women continue to move forward with challenging pre-defined beliefs about their roles, Open iT, Inc. intends to be a part of such initiative. Industry leaders from a multitude of countries and companies gathered to discuss issues regarding gender and cultural diversity, professional success, corporate strategy and aspects related to women’s role in the industry.

Recently, two Open iT female leaders were sent to the “Women’s Energy Network Conference” in Houston where BBC World America Anchor Katty Kay emphasized the value of women in the leadership position, expressing words of empowerment for female leaders “to be willing and ready for bigger responsibilities”. The 2-day conference held last April 3-5 at Westin Hotel, Memorial City was attended by SVP Signe Marie Stenseth and Sales Director Honeyleth Ferreras who both embraced the challenge and will continue to uphold the importance of diversity in the workforce.

Gulf Research conducted a qualitative web survey of female executives in the oil patch, and concluded that “we should include a balance of women and men in all groups and organizations including task forces and leadership levels.” Open iT welcomed this idea long ago and encouraged female employees to breech the barrier to holding leadership positions, as well as to change the public perception of what gender-role attitudes and leadership entails.

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