Open iT Now Supports Green Hills, STI and Slickedit License Managers

Open iT is now officially supporting 3 more License Managers, namely, Green Hills, STI and Slickedit. This is to address the requirement of some dedicated customers from well-known aviation and engineering companies who uses license management tools to reduce the cost and complexity of managing their corporate software and IT assets.

Being able to support these additional license managers, Open iT can empower more business owners to control and monitor their IT usage and spending.

Green IT measures can save companies money without much of an investment. Savings start by economizing resources already in-house, by seeing how to use them more efficiently and reducing waste. This is why Open iT  keeps on developing and improving its IT and software asset management tools to not just reduce business cost but mainly to support its Green IT causes.

Learn more on how you can harness the value of software asset managementSchedule a free demo today, see how license monitoring works and view live creation of software usage reports. If you want to know more about the other License Managers supported by Open iT or other questions you may have, don’t hesitate to contact us, our customer service representative will attend to your inquiries right away.

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